Boy Scout Space Exploration Merit Badge Camp

Boy Scout Space Exploration Merit Badge Requirements can be viewed at

Before the Camp

All Space Exploration Merit Badge requirements will NOT be covered during the camp.

Boy Scouts should complete their Space Exploration Merit Badge workbook prior to attending camp, except for item 3.  Our Merit Badge Counselors will NOT sign scout’s blue cards if the workbook is not complete.  We will NOT have time during the camp for scouts to work on items other than item 3.

Safety Guidelines

National Association of Rocketry Safety Code:

Research Resources

1a.  Historical Reasons for Space Exploration

1b.  Immediate Goals

1c.  Benefits Related to Earth’s Resources, Technology, and New Products

2.  Space Pioneers

3.  Build, Launch, and Recover Model Rockets (done at Space Exploration Merit Badge Camp)

4a.  Law and Action/Reaction

4b.  How Rocket Engines Work

4c.  How Satellites Stay in Orbit

4d.  How Satellite Pictures are Made and Transmitted

5a.  Early Space Exploration Missions

5b.  Current Space Exploration Missions

6.  About the Space Shuttle

7.  Inhabited Base

8.  Careers